My (not so) Hidden Superpower

Picture this: You wake up one day and discover that you possess the ultimate superpower. That’s right! Forget flying, invisibility, or mind-reading. (Although, if I could run like Usain Bolt or as long as Jasmin Paris can run, that would be a pretty cool superpower—but I’ll try not to be greedy.)
I’m sure you’ll find this hard to believe, but my superpower is that I literally can’t die. I read about this gift years before I put it to the test in Somalia. My life radically changed the moment I received this superpower. Imagine how this superpower would transform the way you live.

Hard to Kill

First off, let’s talk about the hard-to-kill part. It does have its perks. I can proudly say that I’ve survived one of the most violent movies ever made. I’ve faced my fears in the most intense situations, had my share of near-death experiences, and lived a life most could never imagine. Spoiler alert: I’m just me—a normal person who has experienced immortality through Christ (2 Timothy 1:10).
However, this superpower has its downsides. When people hear about my “gift,” the first question they ask is, “So, how did you find out?” I often share the fantastic story of my personal testimony as the moment God supernaturally gave me peace in my persistent fear of death. By the way, you don’t have to jump in front of a speeding train or fall off a skyscraper to prove this superpower. It has already been demonstrated to you by the man who created immortality.

Back from the Dead

I have been given the elixir of eternal life by the only one who came back from the dead through His own power. (John 5:24). Like every great superpower, there is a catch, and this one comes with a massive cost BEFORE you can attain it. For you to become immortal like me, you must first die.
The gift of eternal life is only available to those who have already laid down their lives (Luke 9:23). The man with the only recipe for this superpower has already demonstrated that His formula works by passing through death and back to life personally (Revelation 2:10).
My friends who have never experienced eternal life often have weird expectations about my superpower. They look at me anxiously when I sneeze or cough, waiting for a dramatic comeback. “Oh no, is this the moment?” they whisper. I assure them that my superpower is far more significant than overcoming a disease or medical condition.

Can’t Die

The hardest part about this superpower? When people suggest I should become a superhero because I don’t look good in a cape. To the casual observer, it sounds great to have the power of immortality, but this gift doesn’t exclude me from the same problems and challenges of everyday life.
It still hurts when I fall. I still have relationship challenges and financial difficulties like everyone else. However, I can approach these problems from a different perspective than everyone else since I know that even the most painful issues are temporary.
This superpower isn’t exclusive to me—it’s available to anyone willing to die to themselves to receive Jesus’s gift of immortality. (John 11:26). While I’m grateful for immunity to death, I still have challenges, misunderstandings, and pain. Every superhero has its quirks; I just don’t care about the temporary problems of this lifetime like I once did. Because I know that, ultimately, problems pass, but I will live forever!
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