Posts with the tag “freedom”
Thank a vet for the taste of freedom
November 11th, 2020
“Freedom has a taste to those who fight, and almost die, that the protected will never know.”... Read More
Why Independence Day is a huge holiday
July 3rd, 2019
I’m concerned about a growing trend that I see in the United States. Independence Day seems to be losing it’s importance among many citizens in our country. Perhaps this trend is growing because of gl... Read More
It’s time to stop playing a rigged game
March 14th, 2019
This blog is about religion! Today, I’m going to try to convince you to abandon your religion. Religion is a game that is rigged to cause you to fail. It may surprise you that a pastor would be the st... Read More
A freedom worth fighting for
February 14th, 2019
Forward deploying the US warriors comes at a huge expense to the national budget. No matter what you believe personally about the price this adds to the national budget, almost everyone wants a stron... Read More
An angry pastor’s thoughts on debt
December 28th, 2018
95% of the pain and the heartache of being a pastor comes during the week in the form of counseling and crises. The other 5% comes before or after services on Sunday or mid-week. Don’t get me wrong; I... Read More